Stitches and punches
76 euro/panel for production batch (from 24 up to 240)
Panel dimensions 820X470
Stitches and punches
76 euro/panel for production batch (from 24 up to 240)
Panel dimensions 820X470
Mimma Interiors has been operating for over 40 years in manufacturing women’s clothing meeting the high quality demand of brands belonging to luxury sector. (Alberta Ferretti, Brunello Cucinelli, Ermenegildo Zegna, Laura Biagiotti, Valentino) For 10 years now, the company has been providing upholstery inserts to the most renowned brands in the automotive industry.
© 2023 Mimma Interiors. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy
Mimma Moda srl
Via Ezio Bartolomei
06034 Foligno (PG) ITALY
P.IVA 01979100540
Phone : +39 0742 20582
Fax : +39 0742 316458
Privacy Policy
Refer to:
Matteo Sammaciccia
Eleonora Siena
Avviso per la presentazione delle domande di contributo per interventi di cui al POR FESR 2014-2020 Asse III Azione 3.3.1.: “Progetti di promozione dell’export destinati a imprese e loro forme aggregate individuate su base territoriale o settoriale”
MIMMA MODA SRL ha ricevuto un contributo per la realizzazione di un progetto per la promozione dell'export, potenziando l'e-commerce, partecipando al salone nautico di Genova 2022 e sviluppando altre attività mirate all'export. CUP Progetto G69J21020380006
Notice for the submission of applications for contributions for interventions referred to in the ERDF ROP 2014-2020 Axis III Action 3.3.1.: "Export promotion projects for companies and their aggregated forms identified on a territorial or sectoral basis"
MIMMA MODA SRL has received a contribution for the implementation of a project for the promotion of exports, enhancing e-commerce, participating in the Genoa Boat Show 2022 and developing other activities aimed at export. CUP Project G69J21020380006